This is a series of 25-minute one-on-one sessions uniquely designed to benefit each patient through education and guidance on nutrition and wellness in order to help them make the correct lifestyle habits that can give them the greatest impact on improving their health.
Our one-on-one coaching sessions consists of 12 sessions
1. Breakfast with Protein
Learn easy ways to include protein for breakfast and lift your mood, focus and energy.
2. Cut the Sugar
Learn the dangers of sugar and how to identify hidden sugars in your foods and stop
3. Healthy Fats & Drinking Water
Learn about eating healthy fats for healing, weight loss and brain power.
Learn about the toxins in your drinking water and your best options for clean water.
4. Balancing Blood Sugar
Learn how to eat in balance to avoid the blood sugar rollercoaster and feel energized.
5. Gluten-Free the Healthy Way
Learn the benefits of eating gluten-free and how easy and affordable it can be.
6. Grocery Shopping & Label Reading
Learn how to read labels, save money and other shopping options for healthy food.
7. Meal Planning & Cooking
Learn how to save time and money while eating healthy.
8. Digestive Health
Learn how to heal your gut and improve your immune system to stay healthy.
9. Bone Health
Learn how calcium may be causing more fractures and how to improve your bone health.
10. Stress Management
Learn how stress is the #1 cause of illness and disease and how to manage it.
11. Toxic-Free Body Care
Learn about the toxins you are absorbing into your body and healthier alternatives.
12. Maximize Your Health Potential
Learn the 12 dangers to limit or avoid and the 10 healthy habits to maximize your health.
What are the Benefits of this Program?
You will learn ways to make changes to your eating habits to improve your health.
These changes will assist the doctor’s care plan in helping you get maximum results.
Your improved eating habits will help you get the best results in the shortest amount of
time. What you learn will help you maintain those results for a lifetime of optimal health.
What does each Session include?
All sessions include
12 one-on-one sessions
Goal setting initiatives
Diet recommendations
Instructions on a healthy lifestyle
Meal Planning
And more
Even the most informed patient has benefited from each of our sessions from learning
something new to hearing it again and realizing they forgot it or have still not
implemented it.